Parenting Resources


  1. Rules of respect, love, kindness and sharing

Develop household/classroom rules that are posted that are based on these traits.  Rules should be stated in terms that all children can understand.  Using graphics and pictures as needed.

  1. State feelings, not blame

When conflict or hurt feelings arise, address the feelings it has caused in the offended child instead of chastising the offender.  An example could be, “Michael feels sad when you take his toys from him” instead of “It’s naughty to take your brother’s/friend’s toys.”

  1. Let big be big and little be little

Try not to expect too much out of each child.  When dealing with my two children, a teen and a preschooler, I have to set expectations based on each of their conflict resolution skills for their ages.

  1. Conflict provides opportunities to grow and connect

As long as there is no violence or cruel words being used, sometimes it’s better to let children work their differences out.  By handling their own disagreements, it teaches them to how to resolve problems in a productive way.

  1. Blending the children’s interests together

Payton wants to play play-doh while Ashton wants to play cars.  Suggest that Payton can make play-doh roads for Ashton’s cars to drive in.  Or ask them if they can figure out how to play together in a way that includes both their interests.

  1. Make gifts for each other

Provide various craft items such as modeling clay, pipe cleaners, beads, sequins, etc. for children to make gifts for each other.  Or you can ask each child to pick a craft that they think the other would like and appreciate. This provides time to encourage them to consider the other’s interests and feelings.

  1. Take turns playing based on each child’s interest

When two children are getting ready to play, but want to do different things.  Roll a dice.  The child with the highest number gets their choice in play for 15 minutes, and then they switch to the other child’s pick.

  1. Stress each child’s strengths

One upmanship is a largely typical part of the sibling/friend dynamic.  To help eliminate this, focus on specific strengths and talents of each child to provide them with a sense of individual worth.

  1. What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours

Create spaces for each child to store or set aside their specials belongings, toys, etc.  This is beneficial, especially if there is a shared bedroom or playroom.  Not only does this teach respect for others and their belongings, it helps to ease disagreements on certain toys or items.  This one generally works for siblings only.  However, when playdates occur it’s okay to let your child set aside some toys that are not accessible during the playdate.

  1. Praise team work

When children work together on their own accord, this is something to be celebrated.  When you catch them making nice choices, give them positive reinforcement so they seek to get those accolades again.

Handling constant squabbling and bickering is often inevitable but doesn’t have to become the standard in your house/classroom.  We’d love to hear how these tips helped your family/class or any other ideas you already use.

Children sometimes need help and encouragement when it comes to getting along with others.  For a few more ideas on how to help you child, you may want to check out these posts:


Children With Disabilities

The education of children with disabilities is a top national priority. Our nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), sets high standards for their achievement and guides how special help and services are made available in schools to address their individual needs.

More than 6 million children with disabilities receive special education and related services in our schools each year. To learn more about these vital services, explore the topics below.

This information is from the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY).


As a parent of a child who is or who may be receiving special education, you have certain rights which are guaranteed by a federal law called the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)”. This law outlines a process which ensures that you have the opportunity and right to be involved as an equal member of the team that makes decisions about your child. This handout provides basic information on special education, child find/referral, evaluation (assessment), eligibility (classification), IEP meetings, transition, placement, annual review, due process rights, and resources.

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Each public school child who is eligible for special education and related services must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Each IEP must be designed for one student and must be a truly individualized document that guides and supports the educational process for a student. The IEP creates an opportunity for teachers, parents, and administrators, related services personnel, and students (when appropriate) to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities. The IEP is the cornerstone of a quality education for each child with a disability.

Definition taken from the Utah Department of Education website:

Rules and regulations vary from state to state. The Utah Parent Center has created a handbook called Parents as Partners in the IEP Process, fact sheets, and video just for parents! This information provides an overview, information, and suggestions of what you -a parent- can do to prepare to participate in and follow up on IEP meetings and for your important role as an equal member of the team that designs the individualized education or program to meet your child’s needs.

Click here to view the Parent Handbook:

Utah State Rules and Regulations

Each state must adopt rules and regulations to implement the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004.  Utah’s Rules were updated in August 2007.

The following are info sheets to help you as you work as an effective member of the team at the school to ensure services for your child.

Transition to Adult Life

What is in store for youth with disabilities after they leave school? What will happen to your child when they no longer receive the educational services or accommodations which have been mandated by federal law? These questions are important to all parents of youth with special needs. Even though disabilities may vary greatly in their severity or impact, the need to plan for the future is very important for all students. A transition plan is a required part of a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) and should be developed and in place by their 16th birthday.

It is vitally important for families to realize that transition represents the process of moving from school to services provided to all eligible students under their IEP to services in adult programs that might or might not be available based on varying eligibility criteria and funding sources. Families who begin planning early will have more time to identify concerns, overcome challenges or barriers that arise and create opportunities which will help their students achieve their goals. Planning for the future early will alleviate disappointment and anxiety as students approach adulthood.

The Utah Parent Center has created a handbook and a series of information sheets that will help parents and their students to plan for a successful transition from school services to adult life.

Our Adult Services page includes more information that impacts transition planning.

From NO Where to KNOW Where: A Handbook for the Transition to Adult Life :

Section 504: Equal Rights for ALL Students – A Parent Guide to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Section 504 is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that applies to individuals with disabilities. It is a civil rights act that protects the civil rights of persons with disabilities. Section 504 is a nondiscrimination statute, prohibiting discrimination based solely on disability. Section 504 requires that no person with a disability can be excluded from or denied benefits of any program receiving federal financial assistance; this includes education.

Section 504: Equal Rights for All Students provides information and describes the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1983 with respect to preschool, elementary, and secondary school policies involving placement of children with disabilities.

For more information, please visit

For further assistance, please call 801-483-1600. Thank you