Introduction. Dr. Szykula and associates are psychologists experienced in providing child custody evaluations and parent-time evaluations. Court orders are required to initiate these evaluations.
We work diligently to reach conclusions about what is best for the children regarding legal custody and parent-time. We always take into account and respect both parents’ and the children’s opinions, etc. We are sensitive to a parents love for their child and the importance of parent-child relationships.
Cost. To begin, a $1,500 deposit and a court order is needed. Also, there are informed consent agreements, etc. to be signed.
A typical cost for a child custody evaluation with one child is approximately $3,500. In some cases this cost will be more if there are many children or significant others who need to be evaluated or whose input is required to do a thorough evaluation. We will discuss fees with you before an evaluation is started.
Child Custody Consultation Service. Dr. Szykula also contracts with attorneys and clients as a consultant for child custody cases and for child custody evaluation analysis of evaluations already conducted which may be challenged. Costs for this work is established separately.
Call Dr. Szykula at 801-483-1600 to set up a consultation