Jason Sadora, CMHC

Jason Sadora is a distinguished mental health professional holding master’s degrees in both Professional Counseling from Liberty University and Kinesiology & Nutritional Sciences from UNLV. With a career spanning various clinical environments—ranging from residential treatment centers for drug and alcohol addiction to crisis response units and correctional
facilities—Jason has developed a multi-dimensional approach to mental health care. He specializes in tackling complex issues like addiction and co-occurring disorders and is adept at providing intricate evaluations, such as those for child custody and parental capacity.

Jason’s reach extends beyond Utah, offering his specialized services in Nevada and Oregon as well. In his therapeutic engagements, Jason employs an eclectic blend of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) methodologies, enriched by dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and mindfulness techniques. This integrated approach allows him to tailor interventions to each client’s unique needs and circumstances.

What sets Jason apart is his 12-year tenure in the National Guard, a commitment that profoundly influences his work ethic and service delivery. The military values of discipline, duty, and service have seamlessly found their way into his clinical practice, enabling him to offer healthcare solutions that are not just effective but also deeply empathetic. By synergizing his military experience with his clinical acumen, Jason stands as a healthcare provider who delivers exceptionally high-quality, specialized, and ethically grounded services across multiple states.